I have often heard and read these days that the art of the essay is dying. 

Magaiznes are churning out smaller and smaller bytes of text that the reader can digest in seconds. The blame lies not on the texting generation but on the schools and universties that demand bullet points and modules. Their fancy with modules, byte-sized courses about everything under the sun have mitigated the respect for flair, creativity and originality. What if the 4-page article the student turns in does not 'meet the syllabus requirements' ? What if the student doesnt want to deliver as per the 'assessment rubric' that is handed out in class ?

As always, I havent cared a shiitake about the requirements in any of my essays, whether personal or academic. Never before have I revisited my writings. Never have any of them been updated. The first drafts have been my final drafts. And each of them has been well received by all.

While writing the above paras, something has just flashed in on my mind - the need to write an epic. 

Dont ask me why.

Some rainy evening, sitting behind a glass window and overlooking all that the eye can see, I shall begin.

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