Why is that when a rich kid blows up his father's money in cars, video games and hookah, no one bats an eyelid. After all, the blowhard brat is born with an anodised silver spoon in his mouth...

But when kid whose parents make their feet sore to make a decent living just goes out into the nearby game parlor, long lost relative and their uncle comes out of the woodwork and patronizes the befuddled kid as to not squander his parents' good money...

Why the fuck is it so..??

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Dont get me wrong here...

I am not saying that relatives are an overbearing lot...I do like them..but conducting money matters within the (extended) family is a sure cause for trouble in the future...

Simply because we cannot be hard upon our relatives if they fail to pay our money back...

Blood is thicker than water as they say...and the more thicker it gets...the less easy it is for money to flow around the family...

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Thats the question that most youngsters face at some point...

Why do we live...?

What do we want from our lives..?

What worthwhile things shall we want to do in the 60 or 70 years of our existence..??


Well..I think I have found my goal...

And that is...

To change the lives of a million people...

Thats it...


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