Steve Jobs and his team sure did a great job of getting out the iPad.. And what a wonderful price point.

However, there are some things that the iPad v1.0 lack. As with the original iPod and the iPhone 2G, the most desirable features will surely show up in iPad v2.0

Shortcomings of the iPad:

-- No camera. Thus no way to video chat using Fring. And why hasnt Apple bundled its own iChat and Photobooth with the iPad.

-- No multitasking. Maybe we would have to jailbreak the iPad again to use the Backgrounder.

-- iPhone control. Somehow, I want to be able to make calls from my iPad through my iPhone. Somehow..

-- Support for the Mac OS X apps. Sure the App Store apps are fun. But I think that they are just that - fun. I want to be able to do serious work on the iPad. It would be the only device I would carry to my office.

-- Bluetooth headset support. Just picture this situation where you want to voice chat with a friend over Fring. Would you hold up the iPad up to your lips (as if sipping from a plate) ??

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