One such from the NewLC forums:

Please tell me everything about C++, I want to learn it. Is it similar to Basic?

Also please to tell me how to program in Symbian. I want to know it everything. I am is already knowing Cobol.

I have to write program to solve world hunger and global conflict, But How do I begin? I start to write it but it doesn’t work, what is wrong with it? Please to write it for me and post the files here when you are finished.

Also what does it mean?:

PART[01000001].APP’ has uninitialised data.make[1]:”

how to automatically launch program at boot up. My boss give me boot up arse, how to make program launch when this happen?

Explain to me what is leave? My wife leave me yesterday, is it similar concept in Symbian? I didn’t trap her, should I? What is this leave I read in SYmbian?

Awaiting your response.

This guy should probably see a shrink.. :)

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