Emma Harris.
Brodie's old friend and philosophy student. I spent New Year's Eve at her place with Brodie's other friends. The best person I have met in the US (till now) and she has the most amazing voice I ever heard.David.
Brodie's Dad. He works in BusinessWeek as a Senior Writer, loves photography and answers all my questions about the US.

She is David's sister.

Donna's husband. I had amazing pizzas at their place.
Brodie's younger sister. Being the youngest, she is giving away the presents to all from the bottom of the Christmas Tree..

Clockwise from left: Austin, Madison, Madeline Adams and Daniel Adams.
Daniel and Madeline are cousins of Austin (and Brodie's and Madison's of course).

Tim Adams.
A hospital administrator, he let me fiddle around with his Kindle.
Tom Reed.
The rich owner of the most amazing 140-acre farm in Tennessee. He owns five big dogs, five horses, five geese and more than a hundred cows on his farm. He let me drive his ATV on some on the steepest slopes on the farm.
Clockwise from left: Cheryl, Austin, Brodie, me and Madison.
Austin is great in sports, and hates vegetarian food. Madison hates Austin when he bugs her.
Mary Lou Adams.
She made the most sweetest pie I have ever had! I forgot the name though..
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