The reason why we don’t hear many mobile users saying that I bought this and this app from so and so site is that there exists no such infrastructure from which the users could buy mobile apps.

First of all ...online buying is virtually nonexistent in India. and the majority of the users who MY buy apps are teenagers...and most of them do not have credit cars...those who do have credit cards are the people in their 20s...and these then transfer the files to the teens...so the basic reason why people don’t buy money is that they don’t have the money required in the format.

Next...users are still afraid of online transactions...even a geek like me hasn’t processed his first online transactions...How would I then expect normal people to do so??...

thirdly...many users do not have access to good quality stuff...almost all the apps out there are never sorted on a quality basis...quality assurance is nonexistent.

fourth...almost all of the mobile app sites are and seem dodgy in nature...with their hundreds of ads and popups...and useless and dead links...finding good software...nay...software is pain ...and may take up to one hour for a good app to be searched and installed....

Fifth...instead of calling the people to where the apps are...why not take the apps to where the main buyers are??...why not install Bluetooth enabled app dispensers in the central foyer of every college....of every office??...a few ads on the equipment could pay for the hardware....replication of software has zero costs....

next...people are not educated as to what purposes they put their mobiles to use...calling and texting make up 70% percent of the total features used in all the users...nationally...making them aware ..And making the apps fun to use will bring hordes of new users...

We will need to accept cash at the app dispensers...and why not have a drm type thing for the apps too...of course...Like the iPods...only 3% of mobiles might have drm apps...But then...like the iPod mania...we could have a mania too...

The main frustration the app developers face is the difference in mobiles OSes and the thousands of different mobiles...each having its own different control set...the boon of the mobile manufacturers has become the bane of the app developers....developers never know if the end user will be having a scroll wheel or a d pad or a touch screen or the resolution of the phone...

"Those who care about their software should make their own hardware" -- Alan Kay.

Live emulators should also be possible at the app dispensers so that the users can also try out the app before they make the decision. This crucial feature is grouse not only in mobile apps but in the case of computer software too...live emulation should be possible over the net...always...

The apps should be priced so low that should take the fun out of stealing... (Provided everyone else steals for fun like me :))

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