People are not born craftsmen; they just have the courage to screw things up. Embrace your inner amateur and try everything. There will always be an expert to take your money and fix the mistakes.
Bob Lesfetz
A rock star is not someone who takes the temperature, who gauges the marketplace before he creates his "art". A rock star is someone who needs to create and is willing to tolerate the haters along with the fans. He’s someone who incites controversy just by existing. That’s what we lost in the dash for cash. Unique voices. I’m not saying we haven’t ended up with some pleasant music, but it just hasn’t hit you in the gut, but it’s not the real thing. The real thing grabs your attention, drives down deep into your heart and lodges itself there. A rock star doesn’t follow conventions, doesn’t go disco or add drum machines just because everybody else does. A rock star exists in his own unique space, and if you met him you probably wouldn’t like him. Because he tends to be self-focused to the point of being narcissistic. Because he cares. He needs to get his message out.
Albus Dumbledore
Human beings have a tendency to choose precisely what is worst for them.
Adventures in life are rarely punctual.
Arlos Guthrie
You teach kids how to succeed when they successfully foil the educational system.
Only the third eye can spot flaws in the artist's work.
Corruption ? Corruption is government intrusion into market efficiencies in the form of regulations. That's Milton Friedman, he got a goddamn Nobel Prize. We have laws against it precisely so we can get away with it. Corruption is our protection. Corruption keeps us safe and warm. Corruption is why you and I are prancing around in here instead of fighting over scraps of meat out in the street. Corruption is why we win.
Victor Hugo
An intelligent hell would better than a stupid paradise.
Steve Jobs
In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating. It’s the fabric of the curtains and sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.
Jonathan Ive
The memory of how we work will endure beyond the products of our work.
T. E. Lawrence
For some men, nothing is truly written unless they write it.
Understanding things happens to be much more important than explaining things.
Ron Johnson
Apple is filled with believers. And believers tend to think of what can be, and they just go do it, and they don't spend time asking why not. They go and make it happen.
Vince Lombardi
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
The New Yorker
There's a lot I want to experience, but not a lot I want to actually do.
Steve Jobs
I am sure that the only thing that separates the successful entrepreneurs from the failed ones was because of sheer persistence.
Calvin Coolidge
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
The brave might not live long. But the cautious would not have lived at all.
Richard Branson
Dont waste your precious time. Phone calls and emails can eat your day. Dont let them. No one will think less of you for getting to the point.
Da Vinci
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
T. E. Lawrence
He who for nothing is written may write it himself.
A Man
If you are looking at change, then you must go back to the fundamentals, look at the system at its bare bone and then see how it should go from there.
Scott Berkun
The fish is the last to see the water.
Thomas Szasz
Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through life's currents, when, actually, the boat is stuck on a sandbar. They would be better off to rock the boat and try to shake it loose.